
Ram Dass's Yoga of Heartfulness

In this four-week course, Ram Dass' Yoga of Heartfulness, you will learn how to integrate wisdom from Bhakti, secular, and inter-spiritual traditions into your daily life as an antidote to division, polarity, and tension.

You will follow in Ram Dass' footsteps by learning how to revive your heart and, in the process, help to germinate goodness in the hearts of others. Not in a "phony holy” or “spiritual bypassing” way, but by authentically embracing your humanity while simultaneously tapping into the abiding space of loving awareness that is your true nature.

Dharma teachers: Nina Rao, Mirabai Starr, Jai Uttal, Krishna Das, Jacquelyn Dobrinska, Raghu Markus.

- Learn accessible, approachable practices and methods that will help you integrate spirituality into your every day life - creating more ease.
- Begin to heal the patterns that keep you stuck in suffering
- Show compassion to yourself and others in the face of adversity
- Invite more flow, ease, lightness, and peace to your life
- Nurture your heart during unsettling times
- Identify spiritual bypass in your own life
- Navigate difficult emotions and people in your life
- Step fully into "loving awareness" with archival Ram Dass teachings

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