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Barcelona, Spain: Chanting with Nina Rao

Sunday July 16/ Domingo 16 julio
8.00 pm/ 20:00
Integral Yoga Center Barcelona Ribes
C. Milana 29 bajos
Sant Pere de Ribes (near Barcelona)
Spain/ 08810

Ticket price: suggested donation 11-16€/ aportación sugerida 11-16€ 
For information and tickets/ info/entradas: 
Tel 93 896 4486

Nina Rao is a kirtan singer/chanter from the Indian tradition but accessible to all. She has been chanting with Krishna Das since 1996 and also has recorded her own chants and leads live kirtan regularly.
She appears on 'Nina Chalisa' on Krishna Das' Flow of Grace CD and has her own CD "Antarayaami".
Details and email list on

We will chant together to quiet the mind and open the heart. No experience is required.